Greenpeace Files FCC Complaint Against Tucker Carlson
Tucker got in trouble, Tucker got in trouble. What will ole' Rick Kaplan do? Maybe he'll need to kick Olbermann around a little more. June 22 From th
Tucker got in trouble, Tucker got in trouble. What will ole' Rick Kaplan do? Maybe he'll need to kick Olbermann around a little more.
June 22 From the transcript of MSNBCs The Situation with Tucker Carson
MADDOW: Can I just note that you just made a non-mocking reference to France? That's the first time.
CARLSON: Actually, I am objectively pro-France. You know, France blew up the Rainbow Warrior, that Greenpeace ship in Auckland Harbor in the '80s. And I've always respected them...
MADDOW: That made you like them?
CARLSON: Yes. Yes. It won me over.
MADDOW: Not steak au poivre?
July 15 From the transcript of MSNBCs The Situation with Tucker Carson
CARLSON: Yes, yes. Third, they blew up the Rainbow Warrior. Twenty years ago on Sunday, they blew up the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland Harbor. It was a bold and good thing to do.
Carlson Calls Greenpeace
Telephone conversation between Tucker Carlson and Greenpeace Executive Director John Passacantando on 8/03/05 at approximately 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
TC: Your letter is wrong. It was vandalism, not terrorism Your point that I support terrorism is wrong. I dont support terrorism. It was not an act of terrorism, that is an important distinction. Since you are the head of Greenpeace you should do your research. The French Government did not intend to kill anyone, therefore it is not terrorism. This is an important distinction. Vandalizing the ship was impressive on Frances part. I dont support terror.
JP: Bombing a ship is terrorism. Killing a man is murder.
TC: You should know about vandalism, you guys engage in it all the time.
JP: We are a peaceful organization that engages in no violence to people or property.
TC: Spraying paint on seals is the same kind of vandalism, blocking entrances with your bodies
JP: So would you call Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi vandals?
TC: I dont want to make a generalization.
JP: Just answer two questions for me: are you proud of what you said and would you say it again?
TC: I have answered all your questions, unlike you, I am a busy man and have things to do but I know if I hang up you are going to send out a fundraising letter saying that I hung up on you
JP: Just answer my two questions.
TC: I am not hanging up. I am returning the handset to the cradle
Read the Greenpeace FCC complaint here.