"Just Us" Sunday-Part II
Talk Left : "There is always a great sadness whenever faith leaders call for a theocracy," Knox said during a telephone interview ...read on The Circ
Talk Left : "There is always a great sadness whenever faith leaders call for a theocracy," Knox said during a telephone interview ...read on
The Circus Clowns will be in full force today making believe they like Catholics in order to perpetrate their religious persecution myth. Armando reminds us about this. Bill Donahue is one of the saddest examples of a Catholic "Circus Clown" there is. He stood next to Albert Mohler during the first "Just Us" Sunday and this is what Al's tolerance of other religions allowed him to say: "I believe that the Roman church is a false church and it teaches a false gospel...and indeed, I believe that the pope himself holds a false and unbiblical office."-- (R. Albert Mohler, Jr., on Larry King Live, March 2000)
Chris Matthews had Mohler on his show before JS1 and being the anointed Catholic on MSNBC failed to question Al on his anti-Catholic views. Nice going Chris. "God's Own Circus" will stick up for Judge Roberts and cry fould because he's Catholic, but in their hearts they believe Catholicism is a false religion.
Prediction: Tom Delay will go way over the top tomorrow. Cole: "Personally, I cant wait to hear what Tom DeLay will have to say. Or maybe I can."