Michael At

October, 2001: Iraq War Planning I found this through Atrios. Richard has the goods: "This afternoon, the National Security Archives at George Washing

October, 2001: Iraq War Planning

I found this through Atrios. Richard has the goods: "This afternoon, the National Security Archives at George Washington University released some stunning documents, that seem to further corroborate the Downing Street Minutes, as well as buttress the argument that there was precious little post-war planning in the rush to topple Saddam. Among them is this State Department powerpoint slide...read on"

No surprises there really. Who doesn't know that the Bush administration planned this war from the beginning? Well...maybe some of the right wing apologists, but that's because they refuse to admit the truth. This new/old information only further validates Richard Clarke's assertion that the Preznit had Iraq in mind all along.

(Update)-Michael Scheuer's opinion on The Factor today was that Richard Clarke knew more about Bin Ladin then he let on his book and bashed Clinton over it as well.

AmericaBlog has his own thoughts on the "Blaming of Clinton"

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