Russ Feingold: Time Tables

Feingold was on Meet the Press today and he's the first Democrat to come out and say what needs to be said. Pat Buchanan might argue that he's the fir

Feingold was on Meet the Press today and he's the first Democrat to come out and say what needs to be said. Pat Buchanan might argue that he's the first Democrat to join Cindy Sheehan. I don't understand all this chatter about "the insurgents will only wait us out." Iraqi's waited forty years for the English to pick there butts up and leave.

The administration has been wrong about almost every decision they have made including the run up to the war, the invasion and the insurgency. Couple that with a possible theocratic constitution and suddenly they are right about this one. I don't buy it. (Dems included.)

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SEN. FEINGOLD: ...More importantly, let me tell you the conversation I had in the Green Zone from one of the top generals in Iraq when I was there with Senator Clinton and Senator McCain. I said, "Off the record, your own view, would it help if we had a timeline to let the world know that we're not staying here forever?" And this is what he said, verbatim. He said, "Nothing would take the wind out of the sails of the insurgents more than having a timeline in place." So this is a false argument. It's a phony argument that doesn't really address the reality that we are actually causing more insurgents, more terrorism and more problems from all around the world coming into Iraq because we don't have a vision for success and completion of the mission.

David Sirota via Atrios : Beltway Dems Regurgitate Right-Wing B.S. on Iraq; Grassroots Fights Back

(Update)-Liberal Oasis writes about Russ Feingold: On the other hand, while Feingold may be a darkhorse candidate, he also has the potential to catch fire with Dem primary voters who may not stand for a candidate that only proposes minor tweaks in BushÂ’s Iraq game plan....read on

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