Faulty Intelligence
Faulty Intelligence Proof Through the Night Here's something you can try at home: First, read this article from the Paper of Record regarding the s
Faulty Intelligence Proof Through the Night
Here's something you can try at home: First, read this article from the Paper of Record
regarding the so-called "theory" of Intelligent Design (note that ID is not a "theory" at all, in the sense that the word is properly used, but never mind that for now). Then read this article from The Onion (hat tip to, BTW) about the theory of Intelligent Falling, and how it explains gaps and inconsistencies in the traditional, presently embattled theory of gravity.
Now, then - explain to me exactly how anyone can determine which of these articles is an intentional joke, and which is merely unintentionally ridiculous. I submit that it is impossible, and furthermore that the impossibility can be soundly established by experiment.
Go look at.... Science And Politics
"Red-State Serbian Jewish atheist liberal PhD student with Thesis-writing block and severe blogorrhea trying to understand US politics by making strange connections between science, religion, brain, language and sex."
Dubya's War DJ Paul Edge Blog
"How good bad music and bad reasons sound when we march against an enemy"
Friedrich Nietzsche TPM, BTW) about the theory of Intelligent Falling, and how it explains gaps and inconsistencies in the traditional, presently embattled theory of gravity.
Now, then - explain to me exactly how anyone can determine which of these articles is an intentional joke, and which is merely unintentionally ridiculous. I submit that it is impossible, and furthermore that the impossibility can be soundly established by experiment.