Move America Forward's Creepy Caravan

The Freepers at Free Republic have joined MAF and are gathering their freeper-selves to go down to Crawford. What's slimy about the whole affair is

The Freepers at Free Republic have joined MAF and are gathering their freeper-selves to go down to Crawford. What's slimy about the whole affair is not that they are demonstrating for the war and want to stand by President Bush, but the personal attack on Cindy Sheehan.

They are upping the ante on sleaze from Mike Gallagher's thirty minute stop and shop fake, photo-op protest and making Cindy the focus of their demonstration. I've seen it coming since Cindy started to get some press and the personal attacks began, but when you see the mechanism in action you realize what cowards they are. Paul Begala was right when he said " Such is the hatred of the far right at the dawn of the 21st Century."...read on

(Update):-Atrios: The first set of pro-war rallies, back in 2002, were the same. They weren't pro-war or "pro-American" rallies, they were explicitly anti-American. The "supporters" carried signs expressing hatred for their fellow Americans (Dixie Chicks, Susan Sarandon, etc...) for daring to disagree with them. They're only happy when they can have a personal enemy, the weaker the better the little cowards.

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