Why The Silence On The Right-wing Sphere Over Robertson?

It's so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Power Line, Michelle Malkin, (she's on vacation so her subs) Hugh Hewitt, Roger L. Simon, and many more are al

It's so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

Power Line, Michelle Malkin, (she's on vacation so her subs) Hugh Hewitt, Roger L. Simon, and many more are all silent on Pat Robertson's assassination statements so far. Anytime someone from the left criticizes the war or the President we're deemed traitors, supporting the terrorists while lowering the moral of our troops or just plain anti-military, but having one of the biggest Christian leaders (who has the President's ear) gleefully asking for a contract killing of President Hugo Chavez that could send out a message to the Middle East that we are a nation of religious zealot hit-men, dispatching our enemies with secret covert operations (ala Alias) for our own political gain is ignored.

I understand that this is a Christian Nation and all, but I thought it might elicit some sort of reply. I'm sure Mark Williams will proclaim that we should all just shut up about it: " After all there was an election already."

Captain's Quarters took a hard stand against Pat: And Now, Insanity Corner With Pat Robertson.

John Cole as snarky as ever says: It appears that Islamist crazies are not the only people who can issue fatwahs

Of course LGF thinks it's all the MSM's fault anyway. No surprise there.

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