Broken Ethics Process Dump Mike An example of the broken ethics investigation process in Congress: Watchdogs lack bite, to benefit of both parties.
Broken Ethics Process Dump Mike
An example of the broken ethics investigation process in Congress: Watchdogs lack bite, to benefit of both parties.
U.S. Rep. MikeFerguson, a New Jersey Republican, in 2003 paid a $210,000 fine, thelargest ever for a sitting member of Congress, to the Federal ElectionCommission. Ferguson, R-7th District., during his 2000 campaign hadtaken $525,000 from his parents, violating a statute limitingcontributions from individuals to $1,000.
The settlement allowed Ferguson to claim he had not deliberately broken the federal law. The matter prompted no reaction from the House ethics panel, and Ferguson was re-elected in 2004.
Why wasn't the largest ever FEC fine for a sitting member of Congress investigated by its own ethics committee? More
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. . . the easiest, of course, being to make a completely moronic, asinine excuse for a completely inexcusable bit of behavior on the part of a conservative. As usual, we've found our poster children in the asshats at Power Line: More
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