Freeper Bust

"Ken Robinson, of Richardson, Texas, who described himself as a Vietnam veteran, was carrying a sign at a “You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy!” r

"Ken Robinson, of Richardson, Texas, who described himself as a Vietnam veteran, was carrying a sign at a “You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy!” rally. The sign read, “How to wreck your family in 30 days by ‘b**** in the ditch' Cindy Sheehan.” Kristinn Taylor, an event organizer with FreeRepublic.com, heard about the sign and rushed up to Robinson. “This is our rally and you can't do that here,” he said, only for Robinson to insist he was within his rights....

“Just get outta here!” Robinson yelled, and aimed a kick at Taylor's midsection. Taylor called for security, and a young Woodway policeman quickly showed up."

As I said before, you can't make this stuff up.

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