David Brooks Repents: Ashamed Of The President

On News Hour, David Brooks railed President Bush over his lack of a response to the disaster known as "Katrina." DriftGlass has all of David's tirad

On News Hour, David Brooks railed President Bush over his lack of a response to the disaster known as "Katrina." DriftGlass has all of David's tirades on Jim Lehrer's show and believe me, they'll make your head spin in a "Linda Blair" sort of way.

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Brooks: ...but to reiterate the point I made earlier, which is this is the anti-9/11.

Just in terms of public confidence. When 9/11 happened, Giuliani, was right there. And just as a public presence, he was forceful. No public presence like that now.

So you had a surge of strength; people felt good about the country even though we’d been hit on 9/11. Now we’ve been hit again in a different way (and) people feel lousy. People feel ashamed. And in part that it because of the public presentation. In part that is because of the failure of Bush to understand immediately the shame people felt.

Sitting up there on the airplane and looking out the window? That was terrible!

And the three days of doing nothing, really, on Bush was terrible.

Even today, I found myself -- and as you know, I support his policies quite often – (but I) look at him today, and earlier in the program...this is how Mark Shields must feel looking at them. I’m angry at the guy, and maybe it’ll pass for me, but a lot of people, and a lot of Republicans, uh, are furious right now.

Driftglass has a great post on Brooks and he sent me the transcript. TPMCafe has more on Brooks...

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