Barack Obama: Race In America
Barack Obama was a guest on This Week, andhe was very candid in his feeling about the differences and perceptionsregarding race in America and the res
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(Rough transcript-anyone want to write one up?)
Barack: I think it points to one of the bigproblems in this administration. They have excellent responses when itcomes to PR, more detachment and less effectiveness when it comes togoverning. I think that's been true in Iraq, it's been true across theboard. A good example of this-We had a cabinet meeting this week, thesenators had eight cabinet members, Donald Rumsfeld, Michael Chertoff.What was striking was even if people were reading the statistics of allthe evacuations that had taken place-were telling us of all thewonderful things that have been done. There was no sense of reflection,no sense that ahhh things didn't go the way they were supposed to andthat we needed to take away....There was a terrific spin operation, butnot the kind of soul searching that I 'd think you'd want to see...fromany administration..."
He points out the widening divide in America between the rich and the poor.