Does The Right Wing Have A Sense Of Humor?
Does the Right Wing have a sense of Humor? I know that many bloggers on the right don’t really have much of a sense of humor. Wizbang, and The
Does the Right Wing have a sense of Humor?
I know that many bloggers on the right dont really have much of a sense of humor. Wizbang, and The Political Teen have their knickers in a bunch because for some odd reason they thought I was being serious when I posted about President Bushs shirt. The fact that I had Friday Fun with the Prez in bold letters might have been a tip off. Not for Wizbang, they filed the post under "The Looney Left."
I thought he might be upset because I had a little fun at the expense of the President, but to my surprise Kevin had a Caption Contestof his own about-President Bush. Most of the comments were making funof Bush too. Kevin, why is it that when you feign humor its perfectlyjustified? Might that be considered hypocritical? Im just having alittle fun with Wizbang so please be nice if you go over there. He'llprobably use your evil, liberal comments as more content for his blog.:-)