New Rules: Evil

New Rules: Evil Bill Maher on Real Time , performed his usually funny "New Rules"segment and had " evil" as the main theme. Not the Pat Robertson typ

New Rules: Evil

Bill Maher on Real Time , performed his usually funny "New Rules"segment and had " evil" as the main theme. Not the Pat Robertson type of evil. (Bill has a new book out called : New Rules. It's very funny.)

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Maher: Is George Bush purely evil? Of course not, and that's what's so evil about him.

Maher: Evil is a chain. Did anyone person do N.O. it's a chain. People vote for a corrupt leader. A corrupt leader puts unqualified cronies in high places and when those cronies f--k up. Evil gets done.

Bill is making the case that the amount of incompetence and pork-barrel pay offs that permeates our government is where the true evil is done. Who could argue with that?

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