FEMA's Long-Term "Strategic Plans" - My, How They've Changed:

FEMA's Long-Term "Strategic Plans" - My, How They've Changed The Rude One cleans it up and finds some real eye openers: "So apparently, under Jame

FEMA's Long-Term "Strategic Plans" - My, How They've Changed

The Rude One cleans it up and finds some real eye openers:

"So apparently, under James Lee Witt in 1997 and then under Michael Brown's college roommate and boss, Joe Allbaugh, in 2002, FEMA laid out two very different long-term plans for how the agency was to improve and how its success was to be measured. What becomes evident is a stark contrast between the Clinton-era emphasis on saving people and communities as goals in and of themselves and how the Bush administration's FEMA sees itself as serving "customers."...read on"

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