Rumsfeld's Stupidity

Rumsfeld's Stupidity You remember Donald trying to explain to our soldiers why they didn't have the proper armor when questioned in early Dec. " Y

Rumsfeld's Stupidity

You remember Donald trying to explain to our soldiers why they didn't have the proper armor when questioned in early Dec.

" You go to war with the army you have not the army you might want or wish to have?"

During a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee where he appeared with several Generals to discuss the state of Iraq and the training of their armed forces. (The Iraq forces are down to one battalion) Ted Kennedy said to Rummy:

"There are ''continuing reports that the Iraqi police and security forces we're training are substantially infiltrated by insurgents"

Here's his latest rationale about insurgents infiltrating the Iraqi forces:

''It's a problem that's faced by police forces in every major city in our country, that criminals infiltrate and sign up to join the police force."

Is he kidding me? What orifice does Rumsfeld pull these analogies out of? Check out the LAPD's website for becoming a police officer. Click here for background standards. For their website click here

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