Bill O'Reilly Defames Our WWII Troops
Bill O'Reilly defames our WWII troops In his debate last night with Wesley Clark, Bill said this to prove his point: Clark: And let me explain som
Bill O'Reilly defames our WWII troops
In his debate last night with Wesley Clark, Bill said this to prove his point:
Clark: And let me explain something. You go all the way up the chain of command --
O'Reilly: General! You need to look at the Malmedy massacre in World War Two, and the 82nd Airborne who did it!
That is a flat out lie. (thanks to ( ) It was the Nazi soldiers that committed the massacre on US troops and not the 82nd Airborn on the Germans. Bill you just used false information to defame our own troops. How could you sink to a low like that just to try and prove a point in a debate. It took two minutes to discover your falsehood. I think you owe an apology to our military and every veteran who fought in WWII. How you could mix up an atrocity like that is beyond me and worst yet paint our own soldiers as being the perpetrators of one of the worst war crimes in WWII. Did you just pull it out of your---?