Tom Delay Resorting To Auto-calls To Plead His Innocence
Tom Delay resorting to Auto-calls to plead his innocence How nervous is Tom Delay over his two indictments? He's sending out pre-recorded messages p
Tom Delay resorting to Auto-calls to plead his innocence
How nervous is Tom Delay over his two indictments? He's sending out pre-recorded messages proclaiming his innocence.
Emailer Barbara: I am a constituent of Tom DeLay. I have two recordings of him on my answering machine. One I received on September 30 professing his innocence after his first indictment. The second was a similar call on October 6 after the second set of indictments. I have lived in DeLay's district for over 20 years and don't ever remember getting very many calls from him. Listen in: