Judy Miller's Article

Judy Miller's Article Go read it and let me know what you think. I have to run out so I can't get to it now. There's a diary here. Atrios and Ameria

Judy Miller's Article

Go read it and let me know what you think. I have to run out so I can't get to it now. There's a diary here. Atrios and AmeriaBlog join in the fun...

A Personal Account, by JM.

One quick thing from the article:

"My notes indicate that well before Mr. Wilson published his critique, Mr. Libby told me that Mr. Wilson's wife may have worked on unconventional weapons at the C.I.A. My notes do not show that Mr. Libby identified Mr. Wilson's wife by name. Nor do they show that he described Valerie Wilson as a covert agent or "operative," as the conservative columnist Robert D. Novak first described her in a syndicated column published on July 14, 2003 "

Isn't that a breach right there? Valerie Plame's connection (with or without her name) to Joe Wilson or to the CIA should never have been mentioned to anybody at all.

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