Condi Rice: Verifies What We All Thought

Condi Rice: Verifies what we all Thought On Meet the Press today, Condi destroyed the premise to go to war with Iraq that the White House pushed on t

Condi Rice: Verifies what we all Thought

On Meet the Press today, Condi destroyed the premise to go to war with Iraq that the White House pushed on the American people. (full transcript)

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Think Progress: This morning on NBC's Meet the Press, Condoleezza Rice explains why we invaded Iraq:

"The fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al QaedaÂ…or we could take a bolder approach...read on"

Condi Rice said nothing that backs up President Bush's "last resort" war. This is a war of choice in keeping with PNAC's view of the middle east. They wanted to change the face of the middle east and 9/11 was their excuse. Thanks for clearing that up for us Condi.

Tim Russert in keeping with his lame follow up questions and kid glove treatment of Condi Rice, refused to take her statement any further by moving on to Syria. Memo to Tim. There was enough in that answer alone to give you sixty minutes of debate. Here's a similar take on her straw man argument. Tim can get real tough when he wants to (remember John Edwards right before the election?), but not in this case.

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