Did I Tell You Some Fool Would Distort Franken's Humor
Did I tell you Some fool would distort Franken's humor This was a very easy prediction to make. Media Research Center, you know Brent Bozell's group
Did I tell you Some fool would distort Franken's humor
This was a very easy prediction to make. Media Research Center, you know Brent Bozell's group has started a new website aimed at exposing liberal bias. All comedians beware or NewsBusters will get you. The "Eggman" Drudge, links to them as if Franken made the the remark in a serious debate. I should have figured Drudge and Bozell would be the culprits. The headline says: AL FRANKEN SAYS ROVE, LIBBY, BUSH FACE EXECUTION... Drudge should have learned how futile he was when he tried to smear Chris Rock.