John Dean: Libby Is The Cheney Firewall

John Dean is the Cheney Firewall Firedoglake has some great analysis of Dean's segment on Countdown with Keith Olberman: "Dean basically reiterate

A picture named KO-John_Dean-Libby.jpgJohn Dean is the Cheney Firewall

Firedoglake has some great analysis of Dean's segment on Countdown with Keith Olberman:

"Dean basically reiterated what David Gergen said earlier today, that Fitzgerald's tactics are probably meant to squeeze Scooter. He referred to Scooter as the firewall to Cheney, and said that the indictments brought down today were quite probably intended to test the resilience of that on"

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Mark also has some interesting thoughts: "There was nothing to keep Fitzgerald from saying, had it been true, something like: "The investigative phase of this case is now over. The grand jury has indicted the only person we thought, on the evidence we now have, had provably committed a crime worthy of on"

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