
Scalito The blogosphere is a buzz with the Scalito nomination. Drudge is crying racial discrimination over the usage of "Scalito." That doesn't make


The blogosphere is a buzz with the Scalito nomination. Drudge is crying racial discrimination over the usage of "Scalito." That doesn't make any sense since Scalia is their hero. This was a purely politically motivated pick so Bush could save face with his base. Not unexpected after all of his problems. Listening to all the hypocrites now say he deserves an up or down vote after they savaged Harriet Miers is laughable, but they have short memories. I thought Miers was a crony pick of the highest order, but as I've often been told by those wanting to put an extreme ideologue on the bench: "elections have consequences." They only have consequences when Bush picks the person of their choice.

Captain Ed actually thinks that the President gave a damn what Harry Reid thought in choosing his nomination. That is revealingly naive (just a pot shot at Reid) and for my friend John Cole to call that interesting is surprising. I do agree with Tim that he had no choice but to let Dobson make his pick for him. There are round ups everywhere.

The Moderate Voice has one. PFAW has a fact sheet. Think Progress has some notes. Acsblog has some information. Duncan is all over the nomination. Jeff Goldstein on the right defends Alito. AmericaBlog is also blogging up a storm. Nobody cares what Hugh Hewitt thinks and the information will be pouring in all day.

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