Harry Reid Shuts Down The Senate

Harry Reid shuts down the Senate You can see Harry Reid ask to shut down the Senate. Bill Frist becomes unglued. [media id=14283]-WMP [media i

Harry Reid shuts down the Senate

You can see Harry Reid ask to shut down the Senate. Bill Frist becomes unglued.

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Ed Henry does a nice job out of outlining what happened. Jack Cafferty gets off some monumental blasts about the garbage that was passed on to us by the administration leading up to the war. I'm glad Harry Reid blasted Pat Roberts over the negligent way he has been handling his job at getting to the bottom of the bad intelligence and how it was used. Why this was not done before the election is a travesty.

John says: "This just knocked Judge Alito off his game. The story is now the Democrats showing balls on national security. Reid just changed the subject from Judge Alito to the White House's scandals on Iraq and the RoveGate CIA leaks. Absolutely brilliant.

Arthur says: "We may finally have an opposition party again. And just in the nick of time."

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