C&L: John Amato Interviews Craig Crawford
C&L: John Amato interviews Craig Crawford I had the chance to talk with Craig Crawford, columnist for CQ Weekly; News commentator for MSNBC and "
I had the chance to talk with Craig Crawford, columnist for CQ Weekly; News commentator for MSNBC and "The Early Show" on CBS; Author of the book, ATTACK THE MESSENGER.
He's a really smart and seasoned analyst and I thought his book was an excellent read. Craig makes his case simply and effectively that our media has carefully been manipulated by politicians over the years with one goal in mind. To render them as ineffective as they possibly can be.
Crawford explains how the simple task of attacking the messenger has now become the industry standard when a politician wants to deflect any criticism. We've recently seen it with the Valerie Plame incident and the smearing of Joseph Wilson. He uses case by case incidents throughout the last forty years that proves his conclusions to be correct.