Chris Matthews Confirms Russert Against Libby?

This is an interesting answer by Chris Matthews to a question asked if he ever received a phone call from Russert about Libby. Chris dodges the questi

This is an interesting answer by Chris Matthews to a question asked if he ever received a phone call from Russert about Libby. Chris dodges the question, but gives the kind of answer that speaks for itself. In the nutshell-it's all about the war.

"So, having pulled this masterful move of moving the undecided middle into the war, they then became very sensitive to the charge by Joseph Wilson that they had done the very thing, pushed the nuclear button and then covered up any threat to that nuclear button, and Wilson was that threat, and then, going volcanic against anybody including me, who dared to say, 'Wait a minute, there is a pattern here of how we got into the war, and how they promoted the nuclear case and how they protected the nuclear case against Wilson.'

They didn't like me doing that. I know that a number of administration officials were screaming at my network at all levels about me raising this issue, the very points I've just made. They don't like hearing it, Libby is in trouble now because he doesn't like hearing it, the vice president is very much a part of this, and the answer to your question is that you are on the right trail, Michael."

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