Dick Cheney: Flip Flops

Dick Cheney: tethered to reality? From Hardball 11/08/05 Remember when Dick Cheney said it was pretty well confirmed before he didn't? [media id=

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Dick Cheney: tethered to reality?

From Hardball 11/08/05

Remember when Dick Cheney said it was pretty well confirmed before he didn't?

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In '01, Cheney said this on MTP: CHENEY: It‘s been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April.

on 6/19/04 CNBC, he said:

GLORIA BORGER, TV SHOW HOST: You have said in the past that it was, quote, “pretty well confirmed.”

CHENEY: No, I never said that. BORGER: OK.

CHENEY: I never said that. BORGER: I think that is...

CHENEY: Absolutely not.

This clip shows the real Dr. Evil. He knows exactly what he said in 01', and as Mikey says: Although I have to say I just was struck watching that Gloria Borger interview juxtaposed with the “Meet the Press” comment.---I mean, it just—it does raise questions about the tether to reality here, which I think is at the heart of much of the controversy about his prewar statements and the role he played in the run-up to war.

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