Senators Roberts And Rockefeller Debate

Senators Roberts and Rockefeller Debate On Fox News Sunday, Senators Roberts and Rockefeller debated intelligence. [media id=14210]-WMP [media id=1

A picture named Roberts-Rockefeller.jpgSenators Roberts and Rockefeller Debate

On Fox News Sunday, Senators Roberts and Rockefeller debated intelligence.

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Think Progress: Appearing on Fox New Sunday, Chris Wallace asked, "What about this question, Sen. Roberts, about whether or not-the fact is you didn’t get the same intelligence. Is that a legitimate concern?"

Roberts acknowledged: "It may be a concern to some extent." on

FiredogLake has a few choice words for Chris Wallace: Define Imminent: The new GOP meme, as repeated by White House marionette Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday this morning, is that "The President never said Saddam posed an imminent threat." on

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