Katie Served Frist

Katie served Frist Every once in a while Katie will do her homework. Bill Frist was getting ready to pick up a hammer when Couric picked him apart.

Katie served Frist

Every once in a while Katie will do her homework. Bill Frist was getting ready to pick up a hammer when Couric picked him apart.

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As he explained his plan, Katie said:

Couric: Isn't that what the administration is trying to do already Sen. Frist after all?

Frist: Indeed it is...

(basically his plan just wants to report good news coming out of Iraq and have a quarterly report)

Katie: So you think the W.H. isn't being held accountable enough?

Katie: Is this a response to public opinion polls that show support for this war eroding significantly?

Frist: You know--I don't--believe so...

He actually admitted that their plan is a result of bad poll numbers. Why not say something like "absolutely not!"

Atrios has Harry Reid's statement: "The contrast between Democrats and the Bush Administration could not be clearer. Democrats offered a clear way forward and a strategy for success in Iraq. Rather than trying to score political points and mischaracterizing the Democratic amendment with language that isn’t even in there, we think the top priority of Republicans should be succeeding in Iraq."...read on

(Update): Arianna: Bill Frist Gets Nailed on "The Today Show"

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