Scott McClellan's Head: Set To Explode
Scott McClellan's Head: Set to Explode Can anyone count the number of times Scott McClellan said BushCo. "would not comment on an ongoing investigat
Scott McClellan's Head: Set to Explode
Can anyone count the number of times Scott McClellan said BushCo. "would not comment on an ongoing investigation?" Now everyone in the administration is breaking that silence and announcing they aren't Bob Woodward's mysterious "Mr. X."
Everyone, that is, except Darth Cheney.
Can Scottie survive? Is Dr. Evil being set up to take the fall for TraitorGate? And what price wouldl you pay to see David Gregory and Terry Moran turn Scott McClellan into a human pinata at the next press gaggle?
(graphic by Monk at Inflatable Dartboard)
(posted by Jane at firedoglake)