Tom DeLay's Hot Tub Party Continues

Tom DeLay's Hot Tub Party Continues Reddhedd says Michael Scanlon has cut a deal with the Justice Department: "Who is Michael Scanlon? He was Jack Abr

Tom DeLay's Hot Tub Party Continues
Reddhedd says Michael Scanlon has cut a deal with the Justice Department: "Who is Michael Scanlon? He was Jack Abramoff's business partner from 2000 to 2004, and prior to joining Abramoff, he was Tom Delay's spokesperson when Delay was the Majority Whip in the House."

Beltway sphincters all a-pucker this weekend no doubt as the financing arm of the GOP machine gets set to topple. More mug shot mania to come.

(posted by Jane at firedoglake) graphic by Monk at Inflatable Dartboard

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