Wallace Tries To Sandbag Levin: Who's Rewriting History Now?

Wallace tries to sandbag Levin: Who's rewriting history now? Chris Wallace plays a sound bite that he thinks clears President Bush of trying to conne

A picture named fox_wallace_levin_iraq_terror_051127a.jpgWallace tries to sandbag Levin: Who's rewriting history now?

Chris Wallace plays a sound bite that he thinks clears President Bush of trying to connect Saddam and al-Qaeda.

Bush: Both of them need to be dealt with. The war on terror is-you can't distinguish between al-Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror..

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Wallace did everything he could to make it seem that Bush never linked to two. Is he kidding? Levin did a good job of fighting back. (hat tip Dave Edwards for the video)

Judd says: "In a stunning display of historical revisionism, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace argued this morning that President Bush never tried to link al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein...read on

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