Kyra Phillips And Wikipedia

Kyra Phillips and Wikipedia Tuesday funnies Kyra of CNN, had on a journalist named John Seigenthaler, who found a slanderous biography of himself po

Kyra Phillips and Wikipedia

Tuesday funnies

Kyra of CNN, had on a journalist named John Seigenthaler, who found a slanderous biography of himself posted on Wikipedia. Jimmy Wales, the Wikipedia founder came on to defend the site and explains it works.

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Near the end of the segment, Kyra talks about herself.

Kyra: ...I'm accused by liberals of showing right wing bias---I look like a right-wing commie---that's not how I want people to see me...

Emailer Nikki: "The best part, though, was that she complained about what was written about her there. As this was happening, an editor modified the article to remove a segment of the Nancy Pelosi interview." ( I can't confirm the editing took place at that moment.) Here's the post about Phillips now. Here's the cached segment that she objected to. (hat tip Leo) Here's the video segment with Nancy Pelosi that I posted on 09-08-05 which is at the heart of the claims. Here's an example of the hijacking of the term "swiftboating" on Wikipedia.

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