Is Santorum Throwing In The Towel?

Rick was on H&C- looked defeated and played the "attack the media " game for his woeful showing so far against Bobl Casey. [media id=14412]-WMP

Rick was on H&C- looked defeated and played the "attack the media " game for his woeful showing so far against Bobl Casey.

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Colmes: Why are you down by double digits in your race?

Rick: It's- you know the climate isn't the best climate right now. (Bush is an anchor) and I'm running against a name, (not Santorum) I'm running against a very popular...

Colmes: You've been in the Senate, you've been in the House. Why aren't you doing better?

Rick: It's a very good name in PA, Bo Casey's a great name.----

Colmes:..is there something you need to connect to the electorate?

Rick: I think one of the struggles I have and a lot of conservatives do-is ahh-we have a media in the state that's not necessarily friendly, doesn't necessarily tell the whole side of the game...

It couldn't be because you wrote this? (graphics still down)

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