Bush Talks About His Posse

President Bush was interviewed by Brit Hume on Wednesday, and talked about his relationships with his extended White House "la familia.". He praised

President Bush was interviewed by Brit Hume on Wednesday, and talked about his relationships with his extended White House "la familia.". He praised Donald Rumsfeld in a "shades of Michael Brown," kind of way. (rough transcript)

Hume: Secretary Rumsfeld, how does he stand with you?

Bush: Ahh-good, he's done a heck of a job.

Hume: Is he here to stay as far as you are concerned?

Bush: Yes, end of my term is a long time, but I tell you, he is doing a heckuva good job. I have no intention of changing him.

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Bush: The Vice President goes through I guess what all people in Washington go through at some time or another- there's massive speculation about whether he's running the government or not running the government....

Is he running the government?

Reuters: "Bush said of Rove, brushing aside reports he was angry at his deputy chief of staff, who initially denied any role in the Plame leak. "We've been through a lot. You know, when we look back at the presidency and my time in politics, no question that Karl had a lot to do with me getting here, and I value his friendship."

You knew there had to be a little Bushism thrown in, even in a comfortable setting inside the walls of FOX. (3 min.)

Bush: "Ahhh-secondly, I'm umm-ahhh, you know the, the Abramamoff-I'm frankly, I'm not all that familiar what's going on up there in Capitol Hill, but it seems like to me he was an equal money dispenser. That he was giving money to people on both political parties."

First he says he's not familiar with Abramamoff, but somehow knows, he just knows that he gave as much money to Democrats as he did to Republicans. Did you notice how many trials he has to comment on?

He tried to blame his announcing that 30,000 Iraqi's were killed on media reports. Is this where he gets all his intelligence reports from, the press? Chertoff and Brown both used the media as excuses for not acting quickly enough following Katrina and how did that turn out? Many Republicans attack the press as being one sided and then Bush uses it to count casualties. He also said that he would have invaded Iraq even without the WMD claim. Was Bill Kristol sitting behind a curtain and feeding him his answers on that one? There's plenty more to discuss-so join in...

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