Bush's Radio Address
Think Progress has some info: "For 24 hours, Bush and other top administration officials refused to confirm the existence of their secret domestic sp
Think Progress has some info: "For 24 hours, Bush and other top administration officials refused to confirm the existence of their secret domestic spying program, arguing that doing so would endanger the American people...
Today was a little different. AP: "On Saturday unapologetically defended his administration's right to conduct secret post-Sept. 11 spying in the United States as "critical to saving American lives."
"James Bamford, author of two books on the NSA, said the program could be problematic because it bypasses a special court set up by the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to authorize eavesdropping on suspected terrorists.
"I didn't hear him specify any legal right, except his right as president, which in a democracy doesn't make much sense." "Today, what Bush said is he went around the law, which is a violation of the law which is illegal."
Larry Johnson: "The revelation that the National Security Agency was allowed to conduct non-FISA intercepts of American citizens should bring last summer's hearing on John Bolton's nomination to the United Nations back into focus....read on