Chris Matthews: The President Should Be On Mount. Rushmore...
Last week, Matthews got very upset when the NY Times ran the "Spy-story," which he felt mucked up the President's greatest day. Even Howard Fineman f
Chris: "Can I ask the questions Howard?"
Howard: " Please don't hurt me." (my own phony dialogue)
Chris: So what do you think about your paper, running that story the very day of the President's greatest victory? You guys are raining on his parade, the best day of his life.
Anne: If only we were that organized...
Chris: ..if this gamble comes through and it's note clear yet. If this gamble that he can create a democracy in the middle of the Arab world, and he does it; he belongs on Mt. Rushmore....
Weren't the American people told that this was a six week operation and we would be showered with pastries and Krispy Kreme donuts while the Iraq oil would pay for the war? If there is success in Iraq-it is "despite" the President, and his advisors not "because" of their wonderful leadership skills.