Country Joe And The Fish
Joe Biden, the man who hasn't found a talk show he doesn't like, (word is that he called Al Gore and asked if Current TV had a slot opening, but was s
Joe Biden, the man who hasn't found a talk show he doesn't like, (word is that he called Al Gore and asked if Current TV had a slot opening, but was saddend when he found out it's not a political station. <snark>) was on with Larry King after President Bush's speech Sunday, to lend a little democratic analysis to counter Lindsey Graham. My head did a Linda Blair impersonation when he said this:
Biden: "There is a simmering civil war that we're dealing with and the only solution to that is written by a very conservative columnist named David Brooks today. He said you either partition that country which would be a disaster or you get a political solution."
Hey Joe, did you know that Wesley Clark has been trumpeting that belief as his major position on Iraq? Do you remember that he's actually a democrat? Of all the pundits in all the fish-wraps from all over the world and Joe quotes David Brooks as a voice of reason. Biden must have forgotten David's immortal take on immigration:
link: "I'm for pretty open immigration. But when the immigrants come, they come with a culture of criminality."
(My grandfather was one of the most evil, criminal shoemakers to ever cross our borders in 1915 from Italy. His leather soles were so comfortable that many a thief used them to easily escape from the police back in the day.)
Biden picks a wingnut columnist to point us towards his only viable solution in Iraq, which only magnifies what the GOP is hoping Americans will believe. Republicans are the only party that does have a solution to the chaos in the middle east and you better not trust democrats to lead you in the fight against terrorism. Way to go Joe. Next he'll be offering up Michael Ledeen's positions on Iran and Syria as the only viable solution to the rest of the world's problems:
"Change -- above all violent change -- is the essence of human history"
Jane responds...