Matt Goes Ga-ga For Coulter

Ann Coulter joined Matt Lauer on the Today show earlier this morning. I don't care if Ann is hired on as many tours and talk shows that she can get f

Ann Coulter joined Matt Lauer on the Today show earlier this morning. I don't care if Ann is hired on as many tours and talk shows that she can get for herself, but at least Matt could ask her one question that would let the morning viewers know where she stands. Something like-"how do you feel the Muslims of the world perceived her statements that "we should carpet bomb their cities and convert them to Christianity?" Instead-it's a "hot tub-love-in" interview.

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She almost never frames an argument honestly and Matt stands by mute, holding his cue cards-allowing her to pontificate. (We all know where Harry Reid stands on abortion. Internment camps and wiretapping.) Discuss.

AmericaBlog: "Now you'd think Lauer might have done a double-take when his guest appeared to be condoning the internment of innocent American citizens simply based on their race, and USING that racist un-American internment to justify Bush's actions today (who else you planning to intern Ann?) on"

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