Podman: Is The NY Times Treasonous?
Digby points out: "Over pictures of people who are handling rocket launchers and wearing ski masks with strange suits, the braindead Brit who is filli
Digby points out: "Over pictures of people who are handling rocket launchers and wearing ski masks with strange suits, the braindead Brit who is filling in for Cavuto today asked John Podhoretz if the New York Times should be charged with treason."
The Podman doesn't write for a newspaper, but a tabloid fish-wrap (okay so the sports section is pretty good) owned by Ruppert so he really wouldn't know what the word "reporting" means. He does admit that the NY Times was duped by the WMD excuse for going into Iraq by the administration. (Maybe he should tell that to Move America Forward.)
Podman claims that his paper performs vital services. What would they be? The NY Post did everything it could to attack the unions over the recent MTA strike, they printed the wrong choice John Kerry made for vice President on the front cover and they dispatched a hit team to discredit Andrea Mackris to protect O'Reilly against her sexual harassment lawsuit on Bill. Ruppert is still 6 million or so lighter because of that one. The notion that the NY Post is a journalistic institution was the high point of his interview.
Talk Left has the latest fall-out over the NSA warrantless surveillance caused by the NY times story. "Some federal prosecutors tell the Times the NSA warrantless surveillance could be a problem for the Government in both past and future cases....read on