Plame-ologists New Year's Special: Judy Miller On Nightline

Judy took another stab at rehabilitating her career last night as she joined Terry Moran on Nightline. Apparently-Judy equates what happened to her w

Judy took another stab at rehabilitating her career last night as she joined Terry Moran on Nightline. Apparently-Judy equates what happened to her with the victims of the Asian Tsunami. Methinks she still hasn't learned very much.

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When Terry said she "rubbed her colleagues" the wrong way-I was ready for her to pitch a fit because she took such offense to the word "entanglement" that was used by Bill Keller to describe her relationship with Scooter Libby. There's a lot here to discuss. What say you?

FireDogLake: "Oh bully for Judy Miller. What a bravura performance last night on Nightline. All that was missing was an atomizer of throat spray and a few strands of tightly clutched pearls...read on

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