Brown Bag Lunches

Brown Bag Lunches I'm glad to see that Ken Mehlman was speaking with right wing bloggers today. I’m all for that type of interaction with blogge

Brown Bag Lunches

I'm glad to see that Ken Mehlman was speaking with right wing bloggers today. I’m all for that type of interaction with bloggers-although Don Stewart, an aide to Sen. John Cornyn (who looks to be knee deep in Abramoff and Ralph Reed scum) recently took offense to Harry Reid speaking at YealyKos, (so I guess it’s OK as long as righties do it) but today Michelle blogged:

"…the RNC is providing bloggers with an Internet connection and brown bag lunch. Nothing more and nothing expected in return."

What might they expect in return? Let's see, her next post is about attacking Ted Kennedy for printing a children's book. Then just after that she bashes Kennedy and the Dems saying: "they are part of the KKKhood."

Brown bag lunches sure buy a lot. Michelle, I hope you got the tuna.

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