Ten Steps Behind
A lot was made over Samuel Alito's wife breaking down in tears yesterday and the reaction by the Freepers was not unexpected. The following day after
A lot was made over Samuel Alito's wife breaking down in tears yesterday and the reaction by the Freepers was not unexpected. The following day after his wife's anguish, how do you think Alito expressed his sympathy for her at the end of the hearing-which obviously was a grueling ordeal for her?
I'd figure he would wrap his arms around his wife and give her a reassuring hug to tell her that this was all behind them now. Maybe a kiss on the cheek and then they would file out together amidst the crowd and the cameras. How about even a knowing glance? Nope, Strip-search Sammy turned hurriedly away from his wife without acknowledging her presence and bolted for the door as fast as he could leaving her behind in his wake. Was it a possible indication that she was in her proper place after all?