Amazon Sees The Light

Amazon sees the light Despite the fact that 3000 loyal frenchman found JC's review of Kate O’Berine’s book helpful, on Friday-Amazon decid

Amazon sees the light

Despite the fact that 3000 loyal frenchman found JC's review of Kate O’Berine’s book helpful, on Friday-Amazon decided to bury it several pages back and replace it with a five star review. I decided to call Amazon because they showed such disrespect to their readers.

I got someone on the line and asked them why JC’s review was removed from the top spot because as I understood the process, he did nothing wrong. I said that I wanted to talk to the department that handled this issue. I was put on hold for a few minutes and then was told that I couldn’t talk to anyone there, but I should give Amazon my email and they would get back to me in 24-48 hours. I told them that that wasn't good enough because they would never respond back and I wanted a live person to explain to me why the review had been pulled and if JC had broken any of Amazon’s rules.

I was put on hold again for a few minutes and was told yet again to give them my email. I refused once more and said I would be writing about this over the weekend and then call back again on Monday. Today Amazon obviously responded and has now "Spotlighted" JC's review of the book.

Jane, Rena, JC and I want to thank Amazon for taking action so quickly on this matter.

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