Fiction Hurts

Keith Olbermann did a segment on Frey's lying book, " A Million Little Pieces." [media id=14565]-WMP [media id=14566]-QT Why is this a big stor

Keith Olbermann did a segment on Frey's lying book, " A Million Little Pieces."

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Why is this a big story?

Seth Moonkin writes in Slate:

For nonaddicts, Pieces reinforces the still dangerously prevalent notion that it's easy to spot a drug addict or an alcoholic—they're the ones bleeding from holes in their cheeks or getting beaten down by the police or doing hard time with killers and rapists. For those struggling with their own substance-abuse issues, Pieces sends the message that unless you've reached the depths Frey describes, you don't have anything to worry about—you're a Fraud. And if you do have a problem, you don't need to necessarily get treatment or look to others for support; all you need to do is "hold on."...read on

John Dolan says it well also:

"Rehab stories provide a way for pampered trust-fund brats like Frey to claim victim status. These swine already have money, security and position and now want to corner the market in suffering and scars, the consolation prizes of the truly lost. It's a fitting literary metonymy for the Bush era: The rich have decided to steal it all, even the tears of the losers....read on

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