Sat It Ain't So, Kate!
Kate's book originally opened up at # 29 at Amazon, it's interesting how fast she's fallen. Emailer DLF: O'Beirne's book is rated #70, right after B
Kate's book originally opened up at # 29 at Amazon, it's interesting how fast she's fallen.
Emailer DLF: O'Beirne's book is rated #70, right after Brokeback Mountain (Rated #69), and just before a feminist book, Younger Next Year for Women (Rated #71). Since O'Beirne (and her right-wing co-horts) despise gays and feminists, I find the irony of her being "sandwiched" in between these two books to be hilarious.
(Update): Digby: I'm reminded of TBOGG's famous catch some years back featuring Kate and some hot wingnut chicks talkin' on