Howell Can't Stand The Heat
I guess not responding to criticism anymore is one way to handle it-even though she initally tried to do that. Deborah could maybe admit that there w
Omb Learns Lesson
Posted By: Deborah Howell
Date: 1/13/06 5:45:52 PM EDT
"The omb lesson is that I replied to last week that I thought I had been misrepresented. That's just brought another attack. From now on, I don't reply."
I hope after a little time goes by she'll reconsider. Would she refuse to comment any further if the pressure came from Brent Bozell? The Washington Post would probably fall all over themselves to accommodate his complaints.
(Update): Jane: "Okay the WaPo has now entered the territory of deep absurdity, employing an ombudsman who does not reply to the public. Which I suppose now makes her the ombudsman to the Heritage on