We Will Blog You, Lou! Plus: Joe Klein Is A ___
We will Blog You, Lou! Plus: Joe Klein is a ___ Lou Dobbs joined into the discussion about the Washington Post closing down a comment section respond
We will Blog You, Lou! Plus: Joe Klein is a ___
Atrios: Lou Dobbs:
"The Washington Post has shut down one of its blogs after a Washington Post executive wrote that disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff gave money to Democrats as well as Republicans. The comments weren't well received by many Washington Post blog readers, in fact using the blog to launch highly personal attacks against ombudsman Deborah Howell. For the record about a third of the money from Jack Abramoff and his clients did in fact go to Democrats and 2/3 to Republicans. That's the reality. Don't blog me! It's the fact. And poor Washington Post ombudmsan not being able to deal with reality on their own blog....read on"
Atrios: Yes, Lou, but that's not what she wrote.
Joe Klein goes out of his way to slime bloggers. Isn't Andrew Sullivan his colleague now?
Klein: Well I bow to nobody in, in my disdain for bloggers. They're all opinions and very little information.
Right back at you-Joe!
(Update): More Joe Klein hackery-which earns him the "Wanker of the day"