Saipan Abramoff

Saipan Abramoff This is a sickening op-ed and Desi has more. It seems that Abramoff with the help of his best buddy Tom Delay, had a nice time over in

Saipan Abramoff

This is a sickening op-ed and Desi has more. It seems that Abramoff with the help of his best buddy Tom Delay, had a nice time over in Saipan keeping them in a slave, sweat shop like environment.

Sept. 15th 2001-The Saipan Tribune:

When it comes to getting the job done, when the vote is close and there is only five or six days remaining on the legislative clock, Jack Abramoff is the man to turn to in Washington DC. He has produced results (not only for the CNMI but for beleaguered American Indian tribes as well). As the Wall Street Journal attests, "Under Mr. Abramoff's watch, Congress has failed every year to impose new immigration and wage 'standards' on the Mariana Islands . . ."

Thus, it is no exaggeration to say that we owe much of our freedom and local self-government to Mr. Abramoff, who has very successfully represented us in Washington D.C. Mr. Abramoff has successfully defended us against the labor unions, protectionists, and left-leaning American politicians arrayed against us. The people of the CNMI owe Mr. Abramoff many thanks. The man has kept us free from unwarranted Federal encroachments and intrusions. He has gone through great lengths to set the record straight and present our side of the story, which has long been distorted by the mainstream liberal American media.

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