Hmmm...Those WaPo Polls Again

Since I'm in the mood to talk about the Washington Post today, remember this little item when the prospect of doing an impeachment poll angered Richar

Since I'm in the mood to talk about the Washington Post today, remember this little item when the prospect of doing an impeachment poll angered Richard Morin so much:

December 20, 2005:Naperville, Ill.:Why haven't you polled on public support for the impeachment of George W. Bush?

Richard Morin: This question makes me mad..

Even though they were at the forefront of polling President Clinton just days after the first revelations of Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Can Deborah Howell tell us now how they feel about doing it since this new Zogby poll showed 52 percent of American adults thought Congress should consider impeaching Bush if he wiretapped U.S. citizens without court approval. I know back on November 13, 2005:

Debbie Howell said: "First, there was a swarm to me and to Post Polling Editor Richard Morin asking that The Post do a poll on whether President Bush should be impeached. Whoa. Since we get mail all the time saying that we are biased against Bush or are in his back pocket, why would The Post want to do that?"

I guess because it seems like a good idea. I'd be curious to see the outcome since wiretapping is such a hot button topic right now.

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