Roger Simon's Silly Googliness

Roger Simon's silly Googliness Here's some of that stellar "Pajamas Media" reporting that I've been hearing so much about. Roger Simon is upset beca

Roger Simon's silly Googliness

Here's some of that stellar "Pajamas Media" reporting that I've been hearing so much about. Roger Simon is upset because Google is censoring it's content to appease the Chinese Google. Here's his solution:

"Everyone who cares about the free-flow of information, about democracy in China, in fact about democracy anywhere, should start selling their Google stock."

Here's his catch:

" Full disclosure: I do not own any Google stock, but would, I'm assuming, have the courage of my convictions, if I did.)"

He's assuming? That's pretty bold of him. Don't you know if you have the courage to do it? I'll assume you wouldn't-not at $434.00 a share. It's also pretty embarrassing when your own commenters think it's a dumb idea.

Pamela is right there with Moses Whine, but only because Google refused to appoint her fantasy squeeze Charles Johnson as a legitimate news source.

James Wolcott has a much better take on it than me.

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